Hello Everyone,
Happy New Year!!!

Very exciting news! Here at S.T.M. there are a lot of improvements and new opportunities coming in 2019. One of them is that we will also have a location at the Day Spa in Chapel Hill.
Current STM locations: Durham Cottage, Cary and now, Chapel Hill!!
Right off of interstate 40 and road 54, near the O2 Fitness and the Marti Gras bowling alley. Appointments will be available starting the 16th. Online booking is at; Chapel Hill Booking
Booking is on and ready to begin scheduling, so feel free to schedule your appointments now and secure your relaxation time.
In the Day Spa, my good friend Melissa, who is an Aesthetician works there also. I am delighted to work along side her. She is very kind, professional and knowledgeable. She has a compassionate heart toward her clients too. I can't say enough about Melissa and how thrilled I am to work with her.
Random note; I love how the spell checker doesn't believe that Esthetician is a rightly spelled word. It is truly a hard word to spell, that is why I first looked it up to be sure. And the fact that starting it with an "A" is considered correct, but, the checker still doesn't like that.
I digress and return once again...
STM will begin working out of the Day Spa on Wednesday, January 16th, 9AM - 7PM, by appointment only. The Day Spa is between the O2 Fitness and a Daycare center for children. STM will be available at this location on Wednesday & Thursday (9am-7pm) and Saturday (3pm-7pm). Payment will be requested with your online booking.
Our specialty therapy will also be at the Day Spa. Sport's focus; Specialized massage that targets muscle fatigue, strains, and range of motion problems. If you would like more information about what the treatment entails feel free to visit our website's "Treatments" page, under the Session Preview tab. Treatment Includes: Advanced Neural Reset Therapy, Advanced Medical massage, and Motor Point Stimulation. Targeted Rejuvenation will also be provided at the Day Spa location.
I look forward to meeting, getting to know and work with you in this new year!